I love the south and I love southern gentleman who know how to dress. Going to a preppy, conservative college in South Carolina, I am surrounded by strong minded young guys who for the most part know how to dress. While I was looking at my Pintrest board titled, "Gentlemen" I came across this pin that I had pinned months ago. The pin was a cute little drawing of a preppy looking well dressed guy and it was titled, "The Anatomy of a Southern Gentleman." Right when I saw this cute pin I knew I had to share it with y'all and create a blog post out of it.

I can honestly say, that I believe this a very accurate depiction of a southern gentlemen, especially of a southern fraternity guy. :) The first thing that is pointed out is that the young southern gent. has perfect hair. His hair is swooshed to one side creating a simply perfect part. If we move down we notice that the guy is holding a fraternity paddle with his Greek letters on it. I know so many fraternity guys at Wofford who have made a paddle for their "Big Brother" in the fraternity or their "Little Brother" in the fraternity has made one for them. They are too cute though, especially when some of the guys really get into it.
The next thing this lovely artist pointed out is that the southern gentleman has croakies around his neck. Most guys here have a pair of croakies even if they don't wear them everyday. Typically, the true southern gentleman's croakies will hold a pair of black or tortoise shell Ray Bans. All southern gentlemen look adorable in Ray Bans. Moving on down the anatomy of the southern gentleman, we see that he is wearing shorts with something printed on them. These shorts or pants come with either whales printed all over them, sports teams or sailboats. These can be as preppy or as punk as you want (I only say punk because I've seen pants like these with skulls and crossbones all over them).
On the southern gentleman's feet he will either wear Sperry's with no socks or Loafers with no socks. The description on the drawing is correct when it says that his feet will probably reek. They won't probably reek, they will reek. 100% they will stink to high heaven y'all.
Moving to the other side of the anatomy of the southern gentleman is the American flag. Most all southern gentlemen love America and are very patriotic. Now a days it is common to see the Republican Elephant (or the Democrat Donkey) on needlepoint belts. My brother, Howell who is a freshman, Pike at the University of Alabama has a needlepoint belt with the republican elephant on it. Now that I think of it, he should really be the model for the anatomy of a southern gentleman. But point is, all southern gentlemen love 'Merica, as they sometimes call it.
Y'all know that's a cute belt! The second description on the right side of the southern gentlemen says that he would have a blazer on with a bow tie. If the bow tie is the southern gents. school colors then it's typically a game day. That's one thing I love about Wofford football games. Everyone dresses their best, with the girls in pretty dresses and the guys with their blue blazers, starched white shirts and bow ties.
The last item depicted in the lovely, yet fun drawing are three boxes of Natty Light (Natural Light Beer). Every time I go to a fraternity house there are cases of Natty Light. It is gross gross gross beer but guys still continue to drink it.
I think this silly and fun drawing is a fairly accurate description of the anatomy of a southern gentleman. I know not everyone will agree with this post but that's okay, we all have different images that come to mind when we think of the perfect southern gentleman.
I think you have nailed this look! Probably every new professor from 'non-Southern' regions should study this before they teach at Wofford because sometimes they do get confused.